Saturday, June 14, 2014

297th Anniversary of the founding of the Grand Lodge of England

The brethren of the Des Moines Scottish Rite Consistory held celebrations at the Royal Mile Pub in downtown Des Moines on Wednesday and Thursday nights (June 11th and 12th) to commemorate the founding of the Grand Lodge of England's 297th anniversary. I was fortunate to make the Thursday evening event. The event was held in the upper floor of the pub in an intimate setting of 45 Scottish Rite and Master Masons in attendance.

The meals served consisted of old time English cuisine. Fish and Chips, Bangers and Mash, Guiness Pie and Shepherd's Pie were available choices for the brethren to enjoy.  After the hearty meal, a program was presented on the history of the founding of the Grand Lodge and information involving the Ancient and Modern lodges that were formed thereafter.

Many toasts were given, songs were sung and bonds were strengthened amongst the brethren. This table lodge is a popular event for the Des Moines Consistory and is always a great time. The food was good, the beers were great and the fellowship was phenomenal!

The Des Moines Scottish Rite, in my opinion, is one of the most progressive Masonic bodies in Iowa. The entire organization is a model for other Masonic bodies to follow. The degree work is fantastic and the fellowship cannot be beat.

Vivat!! Vivat!! Vivat!!

Visit for more information on becoming a Scottish Rite Mason, or just to get some good information on a great organization.

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