Friday, June 13, 2014

Harding Lodge #649 90th Birthday

Tonight was an interesting evening at lodge! Today marks the 90th birthday of Harding Lodge #649!

This evening the brethren Harding Lodge assembled to celebrate it's 90th birthday of receiving it's charter from the Grand Lodge of Iowa. We had a nice dinner, followed by opening for a stated meeting. A presentation was given on the history of our lodge in Mason City and of the peculiar way we received our name!

When the petition for Harding was originally filed, the petition suggested the name be "Truth Lodge."     This was not how things panned out. President Warren G. Harding had passed to the celestial lodge above while our lodge's petition was awaiting approval.  Grand Master of Masons in Iowa Milo J. Gabriel felt it better suited to honor the President, and named us Harding.

Also present were Sir Knight Robert Smith, Right Eminent Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Iowa, and Sir Knight Keith Myhre, Grand 1st guard. Both are very active in Iowa Masonry, and an asset to our local lodges.

It was a wonderful evening of fellowship and learning.  The birthday of Harding drew many of our older brethren out who aren't as active anymore, and some brand new Masons who were excited to share in the lodge experience that commenced.  The general feel is that activity is up, brothers are honing their ritual and are actively preparing for the following year!

Coming soon... Des Moines Consistory table lodge!

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